Power of the Unconscious Mind

As a Human Being, we are able to process about 2,000,000-4,000,000 bits per second with our Unconscious Mind. All incoming information is stored in our Unconscious Mind.

On the other hand, by deleting, distorting or generalizing the incoming data, our Conscious Mind only processes 134,000 bits of information per second.

The Conscious Mind is known as the “Goal Setter” and the Unconscious Mind is known as the “Goal Getter”.  To achieve a goal we need to allow our Unconscious Mind to expand,  to “work”, and not be directed or limited by the Conscious Mind; to simply be open to possibilities. The regular practice of Qi Gong 18 Style is a way to be open to more of your Unconscious Mind, to expand your awareness and to move toward being who you truly are.

When you practice the Ritual of Qi Gong 18 Style on a regular daily basis you are training your body to relax, reduce stress, build Internal Strength and move into your Center. When you are Centered you have increased awareness of the Unconscious Mind. In this state, Unconscious Mind can “Speak To You”. You will have insightful awareness of either past events that can now be released or new directions to follow for your development into becoming the person you are meant to be.

To achieve the goals you have set, begin a regular daily practice of the Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual and tap into more of your Unconscious Mind.

Improve Health and Reduce Aggression of Children

The article below is one I came across while browsing on the internet. Knowing many teachers and hearing of all the children who have been labeled with attention deficit syndrome I felt this needed to be shared. We need to let parents know that they do not need to medicate their children, they need to teach them Qi Gong. Feel free to share this article with everyone you know.

Qigong Improves Concentration in School Children

By Steven Sonmore L. Ac. | November 15, 2007

A study published in the June 2007 issue of the Journal of Chinese Medicine has found that including a Qigong exercise program helped calm and energize students, as well as improve health and reduce aggression. Teachers, school administrators and parents all desire to create an optimal learning environment for young students. In seeking a solution to this goal a unique approach was to conduct a study of using Qigong in three elementary schools and one high school.  Claudia Witt, MD, and associates from the Institute for Social Epidemiology, Epidemiology and Health Economics at the University of Berlin, did a study on 140 students to determine the result of a six-month program of Xianggong (”fragrant qigong”), movement instruction for the students’ health and behavior.

The teachers were first instructed for eight weeks in the Qigong movements. Then they spent 15 to 25 minutes twice per week instructing students before or after regular lessons. At the end of the six months, researchers conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with the teachers. The teachers were first asked, “Have you noticed any changes in your students during the qigong project?”

The teachers reported various positive effects, including that the students seemed much calmer, less agitated or aggressive, and more able to concentrate in class. Additionally, several teachers reported that students who had previously been absent due to frequent illnesses were in class more often. Researchers were confident that the pilot program served as a good test model for future projects


Change your Life, Change your Health, Change your Being.

“I just don’t have an extra minute in the day, let alone 20 minutes.”

I hear this statement from a number of people that are struggling to keep “afloat” in life.  Yes, they are busy, as we all are, with many varied demands which seem to increase almost daily.  We are already overwhelmed, how can we find another 20 minutes in the day? Then I say, “ If you will simply commit to doing this practice  20 minutes a day, for 90 days, you will most likely never stop.”

The reason I feel you will never stop is because after 90 days of practice you will begin to realize what a powerful force you are cultivating as you strengthen the Qi level in your body. The Gym will strengthen your external  body. Qi Gong will strengthen you internal body. As you build internal strength, you will be functioning from your core. You will be more aware. You will be more assertive. You will be able to respond to life. This is some of what Qi Gong 18 Style has done for me.  You can also experience this.  Simply commit, practice, increase internal strength. Live Life Fully.

We have time for anything we choose to focus on. Commit to focusing on Qi Gong 18 Style for 90 days. Change your Life, Change your Health, Change your Being.

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