Qi Gong is a balancing ritual

Qi Gong is a balancing ritual. You will balance your Body, your Mind and your Spirit when you have a regular ritual practice. It will bring Balance to your Life.

Over the past few years, I have focused on teaching Qi Gong 18 Style to students who have Health issues. It works. It cures or brings relief to those students that perform the ritual regularly. I have realized that this focus came from the environment I live in: a Retirement Community of people who have not taken time to take care of themselves and now the time is taking its toll. “Disease” is manifesting in their bodies.  Some see it as inevitable; others are seeking help and are open to Qi Gong 18 Style. The help that most are seeking is in the form of a pill to alleviate the pain or cure it, or help in the form of surgery to “fix” the problem. I have been limiting myself by thinking this was the group that I must share Qi Gong 18 Style with.

An awakening occurred for me this past weekend. We were invited to present Qi Gong 18 Style at the LoBella Reclaim Your Life event in Las Vegas. LoBella is a group of women dedicated to improving themselves, helping each other and creating a better world for all of us to live in. While presenting Qi Gong on Saturday morning, the energy we created amazed me. I could feel the power of Qi that the group created. A group of “healthy” people, dedicated to being better for the sake of being better; taking care of themselves first enabling them to take better care of all aspects of their lives, to live life to the fullest, to give the most, to serve others, to make a difference. I came away from that session renewed, revitalized and knowing that I must share Qi Gong 18 Style with these type of people. Sharing Qi Gong 18 Style will truly have an impact on the world.

Power of the Unconscious Mind

As a Human Being, we are able to process about 2,000,000-4,000,000 bits per second with our Unconscious Mind. All incoming information is stored in our Unconscious Mind.

On the other hand, by deleting, distorting or generalizing the incoming data, our Conscious Mind only processes 134,000 bits of information per second.

The Conscious Mind is known as the “Goal Setter” and the Unconscious Mind is known as the “Goal Getter”.  To achieve a goal we need to allow our Unconscious Mind to expand,  to “work”, and not be directed or limited by the Conscious Mind; to simply be open to possibilities. The regular practice of Qi Gong 18 Style is a way to be open to more of your Unconscious Mind, to expand your awareness and to move toward being who you truly are.

When you practice the Ritual of Qi Gong 18 Style on a regular daily basis you are training your body to relax, reduce stress, build Internal Strength and move into your Center. When you are Centered you have increased awareness of the Unconscious Mind. In this state, Unconscious Mind can “Speak To You”. You will have insightful awareness of either past events that can now be released or new directions to follow for your development into becoming the person you are meant to be.

To achieve the goals you have set, begin a regular daily practice of the Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual and tap into more of your Unconscious Mind.

POWER of Qi Gong 18 Style.

The fun of working on my ‘61 VW bus turned to pain after I tried to “muscle” the engine that one last inch into place. Lying on my side under the vehicle pulling with my right arm, I knew I could get the engine to move that one inch more, I just needed pull harder. The engine did not move, however, I managed to pull the muscle in my right shoulder, spraining it to the point that for awhile I thought it might have separated.

After a few days of reduced activity and increased pain, it occurred to me that I needed to do what I tell others to do:  “Get up and do the practice, do it with care and awareness.”

I also treated my shoulder with Zheng Gu Shui, a Chinese herbal liniment every morning and evening. What do you know! After a couple of days, there was noticeable improvement. Two weeks later it was feeling significantly better. And now four weeks after the injury, my shoulder is almost ‘normal’. I have full range of motion, can lift and carry with my right arm as long as what I am carrying is not too heavy.  Qi Gong 18 Style was the solution. I have healed with no medication, only one chiropractic adjustment to realign my ribs, and a daily ritual practice of Qi Gong 18 Style.

This experience has reminded me of the power of Qi Gong 18 Style. After many years of practice and no particular challenges, I had lost sight of its POWER to heal. That must be why I had to try to be Hercules: so I would be reminded of the true POWER of Qi Gong 18 Style.