Qi Gong and Balance

Stones Balanced on the Shore 

Qi Gong and Balance

Do you want to lead a Balanced Life? Qi Gong and Balance go hand in hand to help you create the Life you want.

The regular daily practice of a Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual will create Balance in your physical body by strengthening your muscles and stretching your tendons and by improving the ease of movement by your joints. In your mind-body, it will create a sense of peace and acceptance allowing you to respond rather than react to what life is presenting to you. In your spiritual body, you will begin to know a closer connection to yourself and your guiding force. You will be shown the way to Be Happy, Healthy, Strong and Alive.

For the past 25 years, while practicing Qi Gong 18 Style, I have been experiencing these benefits of balance. The Good News is, you will find these benefits as soon as you begin a regular daily Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual practice. The benefits will shift and shape as time goes on, however, the experience you have at the beginning of your Balance Quest will be as significant as the ones you find during weeks, months and years of practice. 

Qi Gong always gives. We only need to commit to the practice and be open to what Qi Gong 18 Style has in store for us.

If you would like to experience this Balance in your life, use our video “Qi Gong 18 Style for Health & Longevity” and learn Qi Gong. The step by step instruction section teaches you each of the 18 movements in detail. When you know them well enough to do without the instructions, use the 20-minute Ritual portion of the video and follow along for guidance.  Practice Qi Gong 18 Style each day until the Ritual can be done from cellular memory.

Why wait? Order your copy today. Use this link and download your personal copy to your computer, tablet or phone. 

Good Qi,

4 Best Reasons to Practice Qi Gong 18 Style

4 Best Reasons to Practice Qi Gong 18 Style

Speak with any Qi Gong Instructor or Practitioner and you will get a long list of “the best reasons” to practice Qi Gong. For me, the 4 best Reasons to Practice Qi Gong 18 Style are listed below. These are only my favorite reasons today and are subject to change as my practice evolves. My 4 reasons are listed here in no particular order. One is not more important, better, nor of greater value or significance than any other. 

Here are my 4 Reasons to Practice Qi Gong 18 Style

1. Strength 

When doing the Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual, you use all the muscles in your body – every one of them. [Muscles become stronger with use.]

Moving through life, it is your nature to conserve energy, expending as little effort as possible to accomplish the current task. You use only the muscles necessary. This leads to only a few muscles doing most of the work throughout the day. You know the 80/20 Rule: 20% do most of the work while 80% do nothing or very little? 

The muscles that are doing very little work throughout the day tend to diminish, shriveling up, drying out, and wasting away. This is called atrophy. As your muscles atrophy, they lose strength and elasticity. 

Qi Gong 18 Style reverses atrophy by bringing blood flow to the muscles and rejuvenating them. This makes you stronger because you have healthy active muscles prepared to assist your body in moving. You have more strength.

2. Flexibility

Freedom to Move – that is Flexibility. It is what you get when you practice the Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual on a regular basis. 

The ritual leads you through 18 simple movements allowing you to move every joint in your body. MOVEMENT – The ability to Move, comes from using and moving your muscles and joints. It keeps your muscles strong and your joints from becoming stiff and inflexible. We can sit, stand, reach, bend, turn. Being flexible also enhances balance.

3. Circulation

Qi Gong 18 Style is about Movement and Breath. Combining and coordinating moving and breathing creates the circulation of Qi in the meridian system and blood in the circulation system. This circulation oxygenates your blood, feeds your cells, clears your mind, and contributes to improved health. 

4. Health

Health is something on everyone’s mind, would you agree? With the regular and frequent practice of Qi Gong 18 Style, your health will improve. 

If you are currently enjoying good health, you can maintain it with the ritual practice. As many you age, you begin to face the reality of how your chosen lifestyle has shaped your current health condition.  

Regardless of your situation, you will benefit from this Ritual. Your health will improve or at least maintain with Qi Gong 18 Style. A regular and frequent practice is what will produce results for you.

Start with these 4 reasons to practice Qi Gong 18 Style, if you are looking for a way to be healthier with more strength, more flexibility, and better circulation. 

 Qi Gong 18 Style is a Way.

Qi Gong 18 Style Video Set

Set used for the Production of Qi Gong 18 Style Video. This is the Lake Havasu local TV Station facility.
Set used for the Production of Qi Gong 18 Video.

Qi Gong 18 Style Video Set

While sorting through photos the other day, this one caught my eye. This is a picture of the Qi Gong 18 Style Video Set at the TV 45 studio in Lake Havasu City, AZ,  taken 10 years ago when we filmed the Download Video we offer today.

Looking at this picture, a grin came across my face. Seeing and remembering the “Look” of this Studio, how cluttered and varied the props were, knowing how the video looks, brought me to the realization that you see what you focus on and not all that is around you.

This is a Truth! What you focus on manifests for you. Driving a motorcycle will let you know this is a natural Law. “Where You Look, You Go.”  Where your eyes are focused is the direction the Motor Cycle will naturally go. Life is just like the Motor Cycle. What you think about, imagine, observe, etc., where you look,  will be where you go and what you experience.

Keeping a positive focus toward Life is constant work. You need to be constantly managing your thoughts – the chatter that happens in your head. This is not easy.  However, there is a way to help you be in and maintain a positive state of mind; to be productive, moving toward the Life you desire.

For me, this has been the regular practice of the Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual.

When you do Qi Gong 18 Style, you create a relaxed, peaceful state of mind. A mind that will naturally focus on the positive, on good things, and will allow you to monitor and control what is taking place, what thoughts you allow.

It has worked for me. It can work for you. The only requirement is: Practice The Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual Daily.  Simple as that!

Seeing this photo brought back memories of the many “events” I have experienced over the past 10 years. A reminder of how Qi Gong 18 Style has impacted and improved my Being.

You too can have this tool. This video was produced as a way to share with you the powerful practice that means so much. Order your Qi Gong 18 Style Download by clicking here. Take control of your Thoughts, Your Life.