Qigong and the Art of Slowing Down

Qigong and the Art of Slowing Down

September 1, 2009, by Rizaro
Filed under Health News

Many of the health problems that we face in the west may be attributed to lifestyle choices. We are far too often filling our days with work and leave little time for reflection, meditation, or generally slowing down. Many eastern philosophies have long valued the art of slowing down. Americans would be wise to take note of the health benefits both physical and mental that come from this art.

There are many different ways that one can effectively slow down in Eastern philosophy. Tai Chi is very well known as a practice that emphasizes slow movements with the body as well as a meditative element. Slightly less known, but still very popular is the Chinese meditative practice called Qigong. This is an internal discipline that uses slow graceful movements (and sometimes breathing techniques) to promote the circulation of “qi” or “life force” in the human body. It is thought to enhance the practitioner’s overall health. Although it is often confused with Tai Chi or martial arts, it is actually very popular. There are 200 million people that practice Qigong and it has over 10,000 different styles.

The art of Qigong offers many different benefits. The most popular reasons that practitioners begin practicing are to gain strength or improve health, to gain skill working with qi to become a healer and to become more connected with “Tao” or God for a more meaningful connection with nature and the universe.

The root word “Qi” in Qigong means “air” in Chinese. “Gong” means discipline or skill. The combination of the two suggests that the meaning could, therefore, be breath or energy skill.

Many claims that Qigong provides incredible benefits to health through stress reduction and exercise. Others take it further to suggest that a metaphysical effect results from qigong, allowing the practitioner to feel vibrations or electrical currents through “meridians” in the body. Many claim it has a powerful effect in pain reduction or elimination.

While uncertainty persists regarding some of the spiritual aspects of qigong, it is undoubtedly a great way to relieve stress and to slow down. It increases mental health and the strength of joints while allowing the practitioner a chance to focus on breathing. Proper breathing is one of the best ways to promote health and well being.

Qigong can help practitioners to learn diaphragmatic breathing, which can be very helpful in combating stress. It is also a great way to improve muscle tone because it focuses on slow movements and postures that build lean muscle. While there is still uncertainty about its scientific effect on the human body, it is widely regarded as an excellent way to stretch and warm-up to the day. It is very often practiced in large groups so it can be particularly socially conducive as well.

Qigong promotes lean muscle growth so it is best to fuel the body with plenty of lean protein. Whey protein is an excellent source to assist any practitioner of qigong because it contains 90% protein and is a byproduct of dairy so it is very easy to digest. Take a minute to slow down and you’ll be surprised by how much better you feel inside and out.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong. Traditional Chinese Medicine is viewed in the Western World as being Acupuncture. This is what has been experienced and promoted by most of the Acupuncturists, who are not Chinese Medical Doctors, only practitioners of Acupuncture. They provide a service and bring an increased awareness of “Alternative Medicine” which is needed.

The Chinese Medical Practitioners use Acupuncture as a part of the prescription in the journey to regain health. They rely more on Herbal Treatments and the practice of Qi Gong to establish a regiment of health and wellbeing for their patients.

Consider the number of people who live in China which is10 times the population of the USA! And think of how many practitioners it would take to administer to them. A doctor’s time is limited, so the treatment regiment is typically an Herbal Formula and a prescribed form of Qi Gong. This allows the patient to take control of their own recovery and allows the Doctor to treat many additional patients.

Qi Gong works, don’t let the simplicity of the form deceive you.

The Lesson of a Continued Practice of Qi Gong 18 Style.

For the past sixteen years, I have had a regular Qi Gong 18 Style practice. Often, I say to people that the Ritual Practice has been my best teacher. From practicing, I truly have learned many subtleties of Qi Gong.. The Ritual has guided me to make minor adjustments in  my structure and my awareness.

All of that being said, it has come to my attention in the past few weeks that with time, I have drifed away from one of the basic ground rules of the ritual, which is “keep your gaze on your hands as you perform each movement”. Over time,  by not paying attention to this “rule”, I had let my practice move from a place of being present in the practice to a place somewhere on the horizon–out of my “presence”. I had moved from being centered in the world to being out in the world. My focus had become  narrowed.  I was not being aware of all that was around me. As a result of this change in focus, I was too intent on what was “out there” and not aware of all of the “possibilities” that were and are at hand.

Fortunately, this narrowed focus  was brought to my attention. As I did my practice and concentrated on keeping my  focus on my hands throughout each movement, which was actually difficult at times, I often caught myself drifting  out and away. However, after a few days of focused effort on following my  hands within the gaze, I began to feel more centered and more aware of “My” world. I was again Present in the World not Away in the World.

The lesson here has been to not lose sight of the BASICS. As you practice, remind yourself of those simple steps that make your Qi Gong practice the powerful Ritual it is.