Pine Trees

As Qi Gong practitioners we are aware that it is best to perform our Qi Gong Ritual near Pine Trees.

It is an established scientific fact that the Pine tree produces more oxygen than any of the other tree species.

As a Desert dweller the pine trees that are available are rather small and sparse. Can you imagine how powerful it would be to have your daily Ritual in a grove of trees like this. The Qi you could build. The energy you would store.

Next time you  do your Ritual find a grove of Pine trees or at least imagine you are in a grove like this one.Pine Tree Grove

Relax, Renew, Revitalize

Relax, Renew, Revitalize

These are terms that describe Qi Gong 18 Style and what it does for me.

I have been spending a lot of time these past few days thinking of ways to describe Qi Gong and give understanding to those who don’t realize the health benefits of a regular Qi Gong practice; those who do not think they can benefit from a Qi Gong practice because they are currently “in good health” and not having any problems. Life is “good”.  However,  they do not recognize the stress that is in their lives and that they have lived with it for such a long time it seems normal. These are the people who should be practicing a Qi Gong ritual on a regular basis which will prevent a disease from developing. These are the ones whose attention I am trying to get.

When a person does not realize they are “in need”, it is difficult to get their attention. In the end, it all comes down to the “Benefit”, the “Package”, and  “Marketing”, to get their attention.

Practicing Qi Gong on a regular basis will bring a sense of Relaxation, Renewal and Revitalization and will create a place from which a person will be able to live life to the fullest, be productive, be healthy, be happy, and simply BE.  So, I will use these words – “Relaxation, Renewal and Revitalization”  – for a while and watch to see if they help others recognize the need for Qi Gong.

Qi Gong Medical Research

Surfing the web today I came across this page which tells of Medical Research projects that have been carried out and  some that are in progress. I found it very interesting. It gives creditability to the practice of Qi Gong as a Medical Tool.


The article is by: Shin Lin, Ph.D. University of California, Irvine

Take some time and read what is being done to substantiate what some of us already know as the truth.