Qi Gong Makes YAHOO NEWS!

“Is 5,000-year-old practice the next yoga?”

“Ancient practice may rival yoga”

These two statements greeted me on Febuary 07, 2011 as I scrolled through what I call the “Banner Box” on Yahoo.Com’s home page . WOW!! What a pleasant surprise! QiGong has moved into the mainstream of the Internet. I got so excited I was almost dancing in my chair. WOW! This is what we need. This will help bring more awareness to the One Practice that can benefit everyone.

I was so excited I posted a link to the article on my Facebook page and within a short time I had a comment saying, “I saw that earlier today.” This was from someone I would not have thought was even interested in QiGong. That’s what I get for thinking.

Well all this said I just wanted to share my excitement.

Did you see it?
Here is a link if you missed it: Click Here
What do you think? Please leave a comment!

Where Have I Been?

Where have I been? Where does the time go? I looked at the date on the last post I entered on this blog and was in total disbelief so much time had gone by.  What have I been doing all these days? It is a blurry memory, a time of change, transitions, more change and transition. Then you toss in the Holidays, voila – it is February.  

I make no excuses for the lack of posting, I honestly have not been inspired to write. I spent a lot of the past few months being introspective, questioning what is real and what is important, what do I want to be when I grow up.  When I am in this place of introspection, I really don’t feel like sharing.

Well that time has past. I am now ready to move forward and again post helpful information for you. My spirit has been renewed.

Stay tuned.

Did you NOTICE? We have added a way for you to ask questions and share your Qi Gong experience from right here on the blog. It’s over there on the right. Try it! We would love to hear from you.