Qi Gong is for Healthy people too!

Qi Gong is for Healthy people too!

Bronze Buddha Statue

I’m healthy, why should I do Qi Gong? There are many reasons why a healthy person should have a regular Qi Gong Ritual practice. To name just a few you can start with: (1) Improve your good health (2) Increase your strength (3) Become more flexible (4) Reduce your level of stress (5) Enjoy life.

Improve health: There is clinical evidence showing an increase in the White Blood Cell count occurs each time you practice the Ritual. Your immune system is strengthened.

Increase strength: Every muscle is used when the Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual is performed. You develop the ability to have more muscles involved in your task. You may not add bulk however you will gain strength.

Become more flexible: You move every Joint during each Ritual practice.

Reduce your stress level: As you do the Ritual endorphins are release bringing relaxation and a sense of Calm to you. Your stress level decreases.

Enjoy Life: you will have a Joyful Peaceful feeling. That I am relaxed and Ready for Life attitude. To borrow a phrase from that famous Tee Shirt company, “Life Is Good”.

Cover of Qi Gong 18 Style DVD
Qi Gong 18 Style

You don’t need to take my word for it. Purchase our Video, either DVD or Download, then commit to performing the Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual for 90 days. Then decide if you are Healthier!





Nothing to do with Qi Gong?

This post has nothing to do with Qi Gong other than it also came from China. I was shown this carving by a friend and found it captivating. You tell me what you think.

From the Land of Qi Gong!

Knowing I practiced Qi Gong 18 Style and was interested in the Chinese Culture a friend sent me pictures of this fascinating sculpture.

The sculpture is over 40 feet long, took 4 years to carve. It is in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Zheng Chunhuiâ was inspired by a Chinese scroll painting entitled “Along The River During the Qinming Festival. The painting is more than a thousand years old. It details the activities of rich and poor residents during the Qinming Festival. It has hundreds of people, animals, plants as well as buildings etc, each carved in great detail.


 Artist must practice Qi Gong

As I look at the photos and marvel at the size and detail it seems to me  the artist must practice Qi Gong. To produce such a detailed massive carving in only four years he must have high energy and great discipline.

Enjoy the pictures.

Riverside Scene on a wood carving.
Riverside Scene
Intricate detail carving of People and Animals.
See anyone doing Qi Gong?
See the detailed carving of the waters edge. No Qi Gong here.
Waters edge carving detail
Work was inspired by Tapestry depicting the Qinming FestivalAlong the River .
Close up of Qingming Festival Carving

Scoliosis Cured with Qi Gong 18 Style

Scoliosis Cured with Qi Gong 18 Style

rp_scalled-qi-gong-cover-only-150x170.jpgHere is an article written by a Qi Gong 18 Style student telling how she cured her Scoliosis.

Looking Back on Years of Practice By Nori Muster norimuster.com

My first encounter with martial arts was in college in 1976, when I took judo and jujitsu classes. Years later, from 1997 to 2005, I took qigong and taiji classes in Los Angeles. Moving back to Arizona, I started taking qigong and taiji classes again in 2010 in conjunction with a course of naturopathic care for scoliosis. My spine had been bowed since I was in a car accident at age two. It was only in my mid-fifties that I recognized this and got into treatment. Now in my fifth year of intensive chiropractic, massage therapy, and exercise, my spine is straight and my posture continues to improve. I have found that qigong is the perfect exercise for curing scoliosis.

Qigong 18 Style provided a spiritual healing

Besides a physical healing, Qigong 18 Style provided a spiritual healing. In the 1980s I belonged to a religious group where I chanted the Hare Krishna mantra for a minimum of two hours per day. They called this sadhana, a Sanskrit word for daily spiritual work. My feeling about completing my rounds during those years could be compared to people who feel they need their morning cup of coffee to get going on the day. For personal reasons, I left the group and eventually quit chanting; for the next twenty years I had no sadhana.

In 2012 I started to want a daily sadhana again. Just at that time I met Tommy and Julia, and started attending their Qigong 18 Style classes. At first I followed the DVD daily at home, then after some time, I could do the movements from memory. For the last two years, Qigong 18 Style has become the equivalent of my morning coffee.

Also in 2012, I was inspired to write a statement about healing scoliosis through naturopathic treatments. You can read it here: http://norimuster.com/writing/posture.html