Stay with the Basics!

As I do my ritual practice, I find that I have to remind myself: “ Stay with the Basics!”  It is easy to simply “go through the motions” and not really “do” Qi Gong. The one thing that I find myself slipping into is not keeping my focus on the unification of the Movement and the Breath.  It is a cardinal rule: When you initiate the movement, (up, open, or to the left, etc.) you initiate the inhale. You continue that inhale until you have completed the entire opening movement. You begin the exhale when you begin the closing movement. The exhale lasts until you have completed the entire closing movement.

I find that when I get sloppy with my practice, it is because I have not kept the focus on proper breathing. When we focus on the breath and meeter it to match the movement we are actually allowing our mind to empty out the “thoughts” that run through our mind like a drunken monkey. Our mind becomes a blank screen, a place for inspiration. Use your breath in the ritual to achieve this every time you perform your ritual and you will find your life is changing. You are more aware.

Be Your Own Health Provider!

A new way to think of the daily practice of Qi Gong 18 Style is to “Be Your Own Health Provider”.

With the emphasis on Health Care in the world today, everyone is trying to find a way to have it, pay for it, who will provide it, who will administer it. We need to take responsibility for our own Good Health, be pro active, allow the body to do what it knows how to do, BE HEALTHY. The emphasis must shift from who will take care of me to how can I take care of myself.

Taking care of our health requires a nourishing life sustaining diet, a regular exercise practice, time for reflection etc. Of course in my opinion we should all incorporate a daily ritual practice of Qi Gong 18 Style as part of this lifestyle.

It has been established that Qi Gong 18 Style uses every muscle in your body, moves every joint and massages all of your internal organs and glands as it balances your Qi Energy. Truly a Holistic practice that enriches your health and well being.

Stop worrying about who else might be your Health Care Provider.  Take charge and provide your OWN Health Care!


Qi Gong and the Sub Conscious

While speaking with a new practitioner regarding her practice, which is limited by the fact she has a broken leg and must keep it elevated at all times,it occurred to me that even though you are not physically able to make the movements you can, by visualizing the movement, impress on your sub-conscious mind what the movement is.

Practitioners with limited capacity to move can do the  ritual at whatever degree of movement possible, and then see themselves doing the movement. They are practicing by visualization. This will have an effect on the Sub-Conscious and helps bring the body to the place where more movement is possible.

There is a story of a man who was held prisoner for many months during the Korean War. He was confined to a cell that was so small he could neither stand straight nor lie down and stretch out. During his confinement, to keep himself occupied, he would “Play Golf” on the course back home. After the war ended and he was released, he returned home and went to the Golf Course to play. To his amazement his golf game was improved by many strokes. The power of the Sub-Conscious mind– Use It!