Why I have a Daily Practice of Qi Gong 18 Style

Over the past 25 years, I have had a daily practice of Qi Gong 18 Style. I do the ritual every day. Well, almost daily.  I admit, there have been times when I “slacked off” from my daily practice.

During those times when I “slacked off” I discovered that my flexibility diminished.  I became more tense and edgy. My sleep was not as restful. My intuition was not as clear.  My cravings were more difficult to control. The list can go on, however I think you get what I’m saying. 

Getting back on track with a daily practice and doing the Ritual again after “slacking off” re-enforces to me what Qi Gong does for me each day. The feelings I experience  always make me wonder: “Why Did I Slack Off” and “Why do I not remember from the past what a loss it is for me to not practice the Ritual daily?” When I do the Ritual I Feel GOOD!

I realize that when I “slack off” I am depriving myself of the Gift of Connection to the Energy of the Universe. The Energy that Connects and Empowers me. The Energy that Keeps me Healthy and Happy.

You can experience this joy for yourself – this Gift of Connection to the Energy of the Universe. Simply start practicing the ritual of Qi Gong 18 Style every day and see what happens. Commit to 90 days of daily Qi Gong 18 Style.  Then let us know how you feel!

Good Qi 

Yin Yang - Balance - Goal of Qi Gong 18 Style Practice.
Qi Gong Cultivates Life Energy.

Energy spent: Qi Gong 18 Style compared to Yoga

Today I measured the energy I spent while doing my Qi Gong 18 style Ritual and my Hatha Yoga Practice.

I wear an Apple Watch which allows me to measure and record my activity during the day. I can even measure various exercises which I do,  mostly because I can. For a long time I would open the app and begin my Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual then go directly into my Hatha Yoga Practice. This week I was inspired to separate them and measure the energy spent during each one. The outcome was a Surprise to me. 

The Surprise was that 22 minutes of Qi Gong 18 Style (the simple, slow moving ritual that most people wonder if it is even doing anything) burned almost the same number of calories as the 22 minutes of Hatha Yoga (a practice that leaves you feeling as if you had more of a work out). I was not expecting this result. Having practiced both Qi gong 18 Style and Hatha Yoga for the past 25 years, I always felt the Yoga was far more intense than Qi Gong 18 Style. Fooled Me!!!!!  

Check it out.

Mind & Body – Qi Gong 18 Style –
Yoga Details

Breath for your Qi Gong Ritual Practice

Breath, this is one of the primary element used for a Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual Practice. How we breath, the way we breath, where we focus the breath is extremely important.
The proper way to breathe while performing your Ritual is:
Place the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth.

Tongue Placement

Inhale and Exhale through the Nostrils. Not the mouth.
Inhale from the Perineum (mid-way between the anus and the genitals) drawing the breath up the spine, over the top of the head and into the nostrils. Exhale through the nostrils down the mid-line of the body to the Dan Tien (four fingers below the navel) then internally back to the Perineum. Imagine the breath moving just outside of your body as if in a channel or tube. It is actually. This is the Micro Cosmic Orbit.
With the Inhale the Dan Tien should be expanding. When you Exhale the Dan Tien should contract.
The length of the breath should equal the movement eg, inhale as the arms raise, exhale as they lower etc.
The breath should be smooth, easy and silent.
It is that simple. Yet it is also very powerful.