Balance in your life

Balance in your life

Most of the people in the modern world are seeking to have balance in their lives. Our society lives at a fast and hectic pace which drains our bodies, minds, and spirits. Sometimes it simply “Makes You Crazy”. What can you do? Well, there are many ways to achieve balance in the “crazy” world we live in. Vacations, meditation, yoga, running, walking, workouts at the gym and many more ways are available. I have chosen to practice Qi Gong 18 Style as a way of achieving balance and tranquility in my life.

Qi Gong 18 Style is a balancing practice. The Qi Energy of the body is circulated through your meridian system balancing your energy; all of the joints are moved to release the stress they accumulate; and each muscle is being used, bringing blood flow and nourishment and allowing them to cleanse. This physical cleansing and relaxation move you to a state of less stress and back to square one. While this is taking place, your mental capacity is sharpening as a result of the increased flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain. From this balancing ritual, you will find that your Spirit is lifted and you think more clearly. You simply feel better.

This all happens as a result of a simple 20 minute-per-day ritual, so simple, yet not so easy to establish. I believe that “If you do the practice for 90 consecutive days you will probably never stop”.


Gratitude on Thanksgiving Day

Thinking about what topic to use for a Thanksgiving Day post, Thursday is the day we regularly post, Gratitude came to mind. Later that day upon opening emails the perfect post came in. Here it is, said as well or better than I could have, by Tony Robbins. Enjoy reading Tony’s thoughts as much as I have.

“Thanksgiving is a cherished time for us to slow down, get present to the moment, and reflect on the people, places, memories, and magic moments that make life itself so special. We come together with our family and friends to share in the spirit of gratitude.

Often around the table we ask:

What are you grateful for?

It’s such a powerful question.

I invite you to take a moment with me to consider all the things in your life — big and seemingly small — that you could be grateful for. After all, it’s what the season is all about. And just by focusing our awareness on appreciation, we uncover even more of the miracle it is to be alive.

Gratitude is the antidote to anger — you can’t be grateful and angry at the same time. So as you spend time with those dear to you this week just notice all there is to appreciate. What could you choose to be happy about? Who could you say ‘thank you’ to this year?

What if we chose to be grateful for the gifts, the challenges — all that life offers us. What if we took on the belief that everything in life is happening for us, and it all serves our growth and evolution?

When we view our lives through the lens of gratitude and appreciation we experience a level of freedom and fulfillment like never before. Sometimes in life it’s when we lose one of our blessings — our health, our mobility, a loved one, a job, a friend — that we put aside our grumblings and gain a true appreciation for all the gifts that grace our lives.

So let’s choose gratitude this Thanksgiving. Share with those you love and the people around you what they mean to you. Thank them with simple kindness and voice your appreciation. Send a note, share a smile even if it’s with a stranger. You might even consider offering a prayer — you don’t have to be religious or spiritual to do it. The most powerful prayer I know is simply: thank you.

Yours in deep thanks and gratitude,”

Tony Robbins

The Snap, Crackle, Pop of the Universal Chiropractor

Have you experienced snaps, crackles, and pops while doing your Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual?

The Universal Chiropractor is a term I use to explain the snap, crackle, and pop you experience while doing the Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual.

Chiropractors make adjustments to help align your body. Chiropractic treatments are known to produce snaps, crackles, and pops while moving your muscles and bringing your body into alignment.

The first time I had a Chiropractic adjustment was when I was about 4 years old. At that time, I was acutely aware of those snaps, crackles, and pops during my treatment.  Since that time, I have gone for years without adjustments. Other times, I had regular adjustments as often as once or twice a month, getting treatments for relief from injury, or pain when needed or for maintenance as a preventative practice, as a way to Be Healthy.

With regular visits to my chiropractor, I still experience adjustments from the Universal Chiropractor. Each morning as I start my practice, I am curious to see where the Universal Chiropractor will be working on me that day.

While performing the Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual, the Universal Chiropractor is with you, working with Qi Gong to move your body into alignment. The joints crackle, the tendons snap as the muscles move and stretch. Each works with the other guiding your body toward perfect alignment. They balance your body, creating a slow subtle movement toward its perfect place of alignment.

Improving your alignment allows your body to function free of restrictions that inhibit the flow of Qi and energy as well as the flow of blood, flowing you to better health.

These adjustments by the Universal Chiropractor as you practice Qi Gong are welcomed by most practitioners. However, I have had a few students over the years become concerned about the noises and sensations they were experiencing. The students formed an opinion that these noises and sensations were bad or harmful to them.

These students stopped their practice because of fear, not allowing Qi Gong 18 Style to balance and align their bodies. They did not open themselves to the gift of Good Health, Freedom of Movement, Balance, and Wellbeing. They let fear keep them where they were, not allowing themselves the opportunity to grow, become more, to live fully in better health.

The choice to be open, experiment with something “new” and then do it belongs to you.  Allow yourself to move beyond the familiar, embrace your fear, and expand your ability to Live Life to the Fullest.  When you hear the snap, crackle, pop of the Universal Chiropractor, enjoy the adjustment!