Health is a way of Life

Health is a way of Life

Health is determined by our life style. The choices we make each day shape who we are and how we feel, how we live our lives.

You are reading this post so I assume you have an interest in your own health and are open and willing to try things to see if you can affect a change in your well being. That said, I want to share with you a book that recently came into my life. I was fortunate to have the opportunity of meeting the author and was able to spend a couple of hours listening to him tell in great detail of how the changes came into his life which led to the writing of this informative and inspirational book.

The title is “Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution” by Steven R. Gundry, M.D.,F.A.C.S., Palm Springs, Founder and Director, The Center for Restorative Medicine. ISBN 978-0-307-35211-8.

“Your genes are trying to kill you—and you’re eating it up” This is a quote form the inside cover of the jacket. I am not going to give any other details or quotes from the book. You need to pick it up and read it. I feel it is full of excellent information we all need to have. Read the book, practice Qi Gong 18 Style and Live Well!

Breathe Breathe Breathe

Breathe Breathe Breathe

Most people think the sole purpose of breathing is to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Breathing is power, strength, nourishment and life. The breath we take brings in the nourishing oxygen which is delivered to our cells by the red blood vessels to “feed” them. The act of breathing creates muscular movement within the body. This movement flexes the tissues and assists in expelling waste from the cells and moves our Lymph (our bodies waste removal system). This action will maintain a healthy balance in our bodies.

We all know that we can only go for about two to three minutes without our breath before our systems shut down. If this happens, the electrical charge that gives us life (Qi) leaves the body — we die.

Breath is vital for life and good health. Qi Gong 18 Style trains us how to breathe deeply and fully. The rhythmic breath used in the practice of Qi Gong 18 Style will, over time, become your habitual way of breathing. As it does, your health and well-being will improve. Breathe Deep and Full and you can Live Well!

Slow Easy Movements

When practicing Qi Gong 18 Style your slow easy  movements are to be  deliberate. Your practice should take you 18 – 20 minutes to complete. If you are faster than this you need to slow down and focus on slow movement. To take longer than 24 minutes means you are moving too slow.

Why slow movement? As we go through life, we tend to be efficient and expend only the minimum energy required. Thus we use the fewest muscles required in performing a task or perhaps we have a repetitive action that we perform leading us to over develop certain muscles. This way of moving and living shapes our bodies and affects our alignment. We over- use some muscles and others just rest, being used infrequently if ever. The slow deliberate movement causes us to use each muscle in our body which increases the flow of blood through the tissue, feeding our bodies. This allows the tissues to become elastic and open. By performing the Qi Gong 18 Style ritual over time, you will notice that you can move easier and your balance, eye-hand coordination, posture, skin color and ability to move all improve.

Keep moving with Slow Deliberate Movements