We have been a Qi Gong practitioners since 1993. Taught classes and also worked with Chronic Pain Patients for Kaiser Permanente as well as patients with Heart and Respiratory conditions.
Currently teaching Learn By Doing Qi Gong classes in Tempe, AZ. Email for times and place.
Now you may take your Qi Gong Practice with you on your mp4 device. (iPhone, iPad, iPod or any mp4 player).
You will have the 21 minute Daily Ritual to practice with where ever you roam. Use it as a Learn by Doing tool for learning Qi Gong 18 Stylefor Health and Longevity.
The download is only $10.00 plus tax if applicable.
100 Million Americans are “victims” of Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain as seen by Traditional Chinese Medicine
According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 100 Million Americans are “victims” of Chronic Pain – living day to day, struggling to make it through and seeking relief by any means. Half of them seek medical assistance to relieve their pain. Trying everything in an effort to live a normal life. Perhaps not Pain Free, just less Pain.
Back Pain, arthritis, headache or musculoskeletal pain is what leads to the most work loss. Work loss is important however Quality of Life is what each of us is striving to achieve. It can be done.
Having worked with patients in the Chronic Pain department at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Denver, Colorado. I have seen what can be accomplished with a regular Ritual Practice of Qi Gong 18 Style to relieve chronic pain.
Chronic Pain
The patients in my Qi Gong 18 Style ‘ chronic pain’ program had all been in treatment at Kaiser and were not able to find pain relief using conventional methods. All of those options had failed to give relief, they were offered the opportunity to attend a multi week Qi Gong 18 Style training program. The results were amazing. Clients who suffered for years were finding improvement within a week or two from doing the ritual daily. Those suffering with Back pain, migraine, arthritis, shoulder pain, the pain list goes on, were able to find relief and live a better quality life..
Qi Gong 18 Style as your “Medicine”
Are you one who suffers with Chronic Pain? If you are, use Qi Gong 18 Style as your “Medicine”. Commit to learning the 20 minute Ritual then challenge yourself to Practice Qi Gong 18 Style for 90 consecutive days. You will then Know The Power of Qi Gong 18 Style.
I’m healthy, why should I do Qi Gong? There are many reasons why a healthy person should have a regular Qi Gong Ritual practice. To name just a few you can start with: (1) Improve your good health (2) Increase your strength (3) Become more flexible (4) Reduce your level of stress (5) Enjoy life.
Improve health: There is clinical evidence showing an increase in the White Blood Cell count occurs each time you practice the Ritual. Your immune system is strengthened.
Increase strength: Every muscle is used when the Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual is performed. You develop the ability to have more muscles involved in your task. You may not add bulk however you will gain strength.
Become more flexible: You move every Joint during each Ritual practice.
Reduce your stress level: As you do the Ritual endorphins are release bringing relaxation and a sense of Calm to you. Your stress level decreases.
Enjoy Life: you will have a Joyful Peaceful feeling. That I am relaxed and Ready for Life attitude. To borrow a phrase from that famous Tee Shirt company, “Life Is Good”.
Qi Gong 18 Style
You don’t need to take my word for it. Purchase our Video, either DVD or Download, then commit to performing the Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual for 90 days. Then decide if you are Healthier!