Peace and Calm from Qi Gong 18 Style

Peace and Calm. Reduced Stress. Lower Blood Pressure. Flexibility. Coordination. Strength. Agility. Generally Feel Good. These are just a few of the benefits I personally get from my regular Qi Gong 18 Style Ritual Practice.

My practice began in January 1993. The first time I did the Ritual I was amazed at how good it made me feel. Remember in 1993 I was 24 years younger and in extremely good physical condition as a result of my 1 hour daily Yoga Practice. How could it be, this Simple, Easy 20 minute Ritual made me feel so good. I simply accepted the fact that it worked for me and I started a regular daily practice. In the beginning I did Yoga in the morning and Qi Gong in the evening. After a month or so I had the inspiration to do it in the morning after my Yoga practice . Well it was the right thing to do, from the beginning I notice that with the morning practice my whole day was better. I was better. Peace and Calm. Life got better.

Well the 24 years of practicing Qi Gong 18 Style have passed, I am afraid to stop the practice not knowing what would happen and not wanting to find out. So I see practicing and my life keeps being Good. It must have an effect, most people think I am 10 years or so younger than my actual age. For me that is all the encouragement  I need to be a Qi Gong Practitioner.

I invite you to join me in this regular Qi Gong Ritual practice to see just what it will do for you. What changes you will have. What improvements you will notice. Will you find Peace and Calm?  It is easy to join me, simply download the video and begin your practice today.

Good Qi –

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